
Column tube heat exchanger

[Structure and Features] The tubular graphite heat exchanger is made of an impervious graphite heating tube and a tube sheet, which is bonded with a binder to form a tube bundle, placed in a steel cylindrical housing, and provided with an impermeable graphite material or other anti-corrosion material at both ends. The heads are made of bolts.

[Structure and Features]

The tubular graphite heat exchanger is made of an impervious graphite heating tube and a tube sheet, which is bonded with a binder to form a tube bundle, placed in a steel cylindrical housing, and provided with an impermeable graphite material or other anti-corrosion material at both ends. The heads are made of bolts. The structure is simple, compact, and has low fluid resistance, enabling the manufacture of large equipment. However, the pressure resistance and temperature resistance are lower than the block type. It is suitable for occasions where the impact is not strong and the vibration is small, and it is better to use it as a cooling (condensing) device. This equipment is divided into type I and type II. Type I does not have a gas-liquid separator, type II has a gas-liquid separator, and type II should be used as a condenser. This equipment is generally assembled from φ22/φ33 mm extruded graphite tubes. A tubular graphite heat exchanger assembled from φ25/φ37, φ36/φ50 mm graphite tubes can also be produced. The tube plate is fixed at one end and can be freely floated at one end. The outer circular seal of the floating tube plate is generally sealed with a packing, and is also sealed with an "O" ring.

[Technical characteristics]

Allowable temperature: for heater: -20 ~ 120 ° C

As a cooler: -20 ~ 130 ° C

Allowable pressure: tube process: 0.3MPa (DN≤900), 0.2MPa (DN>900)

Shell side: 0.5MPa (DN≤1100), 0.4MPa (DN>1100)

Heat exchange area: 5 to 400 square meters (can also design and manufacture large condensers of 400 square meters or more)

Execution standard: HG/T3112-1998 "Floating head tubular graphite heat exchanger"


This series of products can be used as a cooler or condenser.

[Equipment advantages]

1) All seals are easy to check

2) Low pressure drop

3) Large product specifications

4) High heat transfer efficiency, corrosion resistance and long service life

5) Cheap price

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