
Graphite jet pump

Application range Graphite has excellent corrosion resistance and heat resistance, is suitable for heat transfer process of corrosive media, and is resistant to acids, alkalis and other corrosive media. SPZ graphite jet mixer is mainly used for vacuuming or mixing of two materials, mainly suitable for high temperature corrosive environment.

Application range

Graphite has excellent corrosion resistance and heat resistance, is suitable for heat transfer process of corrosive media, and is resistant to acids, alkalis and other corrosive media.

SPZ graphite jet mixer is mainly used for vacuuming or mixing of two materials, mainly suitable for high temperature corrosive environment.

Performance characteristics

· Strong thermal shock resistance

· Maximum temperature 200°C

· Easy to maintain

· Service life of more than 10 years

· With surface treatment, it can have certain wear resistance

· Customizable design

Technical characteristics

Specification modelNozzle aNozzle bNozzle cFlowPumping capacity
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