
Graphite pipe fittings

Our company can process all kinds of graphite non-standard parts, such as graphite pipes and graphite electrode plates, according to the needs of users. Including elbows (45 degrees and 90 degrees), tees, four-way pipes, inner joints, outer joints, pipe end caps, cocks, pipe flanges, pipe sight glasses and pipe compensators,

Our company can process all kinds of graphite non-standard parts, such as graphite pipes and graphite electrode plates, according to the needs of users. Including elbows (45 degrees and 90 degrees), tees, four-way pipes, inner joints, outer joints, pipe end caps, cocks, pipe flanges, pipe sight glasses and pipe compensators, graphite pipe sight glasses, liquid level It has excellent corrosion resistance and good temperature resistance. It can be used for the transport of corrosive liquids or gases or the transportation of gases. Especially when the materials have higher temperatures, they can show their unique characteristics.

Technical conditions: allowable pressure: 0.3MPa,

Allowable temperature: graphite wall temperature: 170 ° C,

Specifications: Dg25-300

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Is a professional production of graphite falling film absorber, graphite stirred tank, graphite jet pump, graphite centrifugal pump, graphite heat exchanger, graphite evaporation tank, reaction tank, graphite pipeline cooler, graphite falling film absorber, graphite stirred tank and other graphite Equipment company

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